We've never had any zoom here so it would be hard for me to imagine the memorial being done that way!
I remember the last one i attended (by that time nobody else in my family was willing to go), it was 2011 or -12. They had it in a funeral home chapel, which had been the arrangement for a few years, since there were four congregations it wasn't possible to use the KH for all of them.
But from the first year we went to the memorial, the main thing talked about was what the gals were planning to wear and where everyone was going to eat afterwards. Most people I knew were buying new clothes for their entire family.
So we did the same thing - got all gussied up in new clothes. The event was dull with a little terror when the wine was passed and we were scared of spilling it. Then we went to someone's house and had snacks. Got home and put our new clothes away.
I never bought new outfits just for the memorial again. They weren't needed, as I learned!